SACC statement on Orlando
16 June 2016 - SACC
SACC Statement, 16 June 2016
SACC sends its solidarity to everyone affected by the mass murder at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, USA, and especially to LGBTQ communities everywhere.
The full circumstances remain unclear, but the shooting bears all the hallmarks of a homophobic murder spree, fuelled by the kind of bigotry promoted by Donald Trump's election campaign, and made possible by the USA's reckless failure to control access to firearms. Though the particulars of the tragedy are American, it has touched LGBTQ people everywhere because it reflects the insecurity and risk that they have to live with far too often. We stand with them in calling for this to end.
We will resist any attempt to exploit this tragedy to promote violence, repression, surveillance and war. We send a special thank you to the many people in the USA who, virtually from the first moment, have been working to stop this happening.
We reject any attempt to use Orlando to give spurious acceptability to campaigns against so-called extremism. The Orlando shootings were homophobic murders. We don't need the junk vocabulary of the counter-extremism industry. Our government tells people in Britain that "extremism" means "vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values" and uses the same word overseas as the strapline for its wars for resources and geopolitical clout. This is the language of repression and destruction. It's not our language.
"SACC shall operate in a way that recognises and respects the diverse views on political, social and religious matters that may be held by those who support its aims." - SACC constitution.
More photos from the Edinburgh Stands with Orlando vigil on 15 June. Speakers included First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.
Report in the Edinburgh Evening News.