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Hundreds March Against Racism in Leith

Hundreds of people marched against racism, homophobia and fascism in Leith on Saturday under the banner United Colours of Leith. The march was called by Leithers Don't Litter in response to the appearance of racist and homophobic stickers around the streets of Leith shortly after the EU referendum. The stickers were produced by the neo-Nazi group National Action and have also appeared in Glasgow.

After the United Colours of Leith march was announced, the SDL said that they would hold a counter-demo. A handful of SDL and other far-right individuals (reported to include a member of National Action) turned up to hold a static protest at the foot of Leith Walk, beside New Kirkgate shopping centre.

The United Colours of Leith demo assembled in Pilrig Park, then marched along Pilrig Street (where we filled both lanes of the street), along Leith Walk and on to Leith Links, where a closing rally was held.

A group of LGBT+ people and allies - Glitter Against Fascism - maintained a presence right by the fascists throughout their stay at the foot of the Walk.

The chants of "Nazi scum, off our streets" from sections of the main demo as it passed the fascists could not have been more apt. National Action is a plainly neo-Nazi organisation. The National Action stickers that prompted the demo carried swastikas as well as the official National Action logo based on the Sturmabteilung emblem.

Ramuyapiko rounded a beautiful day off with an inspiring performance of their song Be United.

Edinburgh City Council were supportive of the anti-racist demo. Regrettably, at the same time as supporting some anti-racist activity they are implementing the government's racist Prevent strategy, which is intruding increasingly on anti-racist and pro-equality activity in Scotland.


United Colours of Leith, Pilrig Park
United Colours of Leith, Pilrig Park


Migrant Solidarity Network
Migrant Solidarity Network


SACC banner, United Colours of Leith
SACC banner, United Colours of Leith


Nae Nazis
Nae Nazis

All photos © Cait ni Cadlaig. All rights reserved.