On 13 October the House of Commons voted to recognise the state of Palestine. Alan Beith MP explains why he didn't support the move.
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News from 2014
16 December 2014
11 December 2014The Lord Advocate has asked Scottish police to include the US Senate's torture report in their ongoing investigation of rendition. But the investigation has so far been a charade.
27 September 2014The Westminster Parliament has voted for the third Iraq War. SACC is dismayed by the decision of the UK's three main political parties to support this reckless action. We will campaign for the cessation of British military action in Iraq and we will continue to oppose any British military action in Syria.
08 September 2014Claim that the Islamic State (ISIS) threat against hostage David Haines is intended to "drive Scots to embrace independence" is "pure fantasy" says SACC
28 August 2014SACC calls for humanitarian and political support for the people of Kurdistan and North Iraq - our message to the demo in Glasgow (Saturday 30 August) organised by Scottish Friends of Kurdistan and Scottish Kurdish Human Rights
23 August 2014SACC welcomes the announcement by the Scottish Government that it "strongly discourages trade with companies active in Israeli settlements which are recognised as illegal under international law" and that such companies could be excluded from public contracts in Scotland.
12 August 2014The Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) has issued a dossier on ISIS attacks and Kurdish resistance in Kurdistan. It says that more than 300,000 Ezidi Kurds have been displaced from Sinjar, where almost 300 children have died from malnutrition and dehydration.
10 August 2014A Scottish demo in solidarity with Palestine was held in Edinburgh on Saturday 9 August (photos)
07 August 2014Campaigners have responded positively to the Scottish Government call for an immediate arms embargo against Israel and a UN led investigation into Israel’s war crimes.
06 August 2014Glasgow City Council is to fly the Palestinian flag from the City Chambers on Friday 8 August as a mark of support for the people of Gaza.
03 July 2014The Muslim Association of Britain (MAB) condemns the killing of all civilians, by all parties and calls on the International Community to condemn the criminal use of force by the Israeli Government
29 June 2014Britain's Armed Forces day was marked by protests against militarism in Scotland
26 June 2014Scottish Friends of Palestine has released an Open Letter to Alex Salmond urging the Scottish Government to acknowledge the position of Israel as an apartheid state.
11 June 2014SACC is disappointed by the Scottish Government's stance over the Israel-Palestine conflict and calls for it to take steps to ensure that it is not complicit in human rights abuses by Israel
10 June 2014"An absolutely compelling case that Tommy Sheridan's conviction for perjury was a miscarriage of justice." Tommy Sheridan is to file an application with the SCCRC seeking to overturn his conviction
09 June 2014Humza Yousaf, Scotland's Minister for External Affairs and International Development, reaffirms the Scottish Government's condemnation of any expansion of Israel's illegal settlements in the Occupied Territories.
05 June 2014Jim Swire, father of Lockerbie victim Flora Swire, says "we need the truth"
05 June 2014An appeal has been dodged seeking to overturn the conviction of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie
31 May 2014SACC says that the review by the Scottish Police Authority into Stop and Search in Scotland isn't fit for purpose and sets out 4 steps to rectify the problem
31 May 2014John Finnie MSP says secrecy over police firearms isn't "any way to police a liberal democracy"
14 May 2014The fascist Britain First party "visited" Glasgow Central Mosque and a mosque in Cumbernauld at the weekend. SACC believes that police are not taking the incident serious;y enough.
13 May 2014SACC urges all its supporters to work to prevent the election of UKIP, BNP and Britain First candidates to the European Parliament, and to put our campaign for human rights on the EU agenda.
04 April 2014Commonwealth Games Committee has no concept of the misery caused by Red Road flats, says Robina Qureshi
25 March 2014SACC calls for a clean-up of stop and search practices in Scotland, following a police admission that figures are partly "made-up"
20 March 2014Alan Smart (aka Citzen Smart) has been acquitted of racism charges for singing "Go on home English Tories go on home" outside the Tory party conference in Stirling last year
02 March 2014Glasgow Housing Association has agreed to tell the Home Office of suspicions about the migration status of housing applicants
02 March 2014A man was injured in a racist attack in Glasgow on 22 February
01 March 2014SACC statement on the decision to charge Moazzam Begg with "terrorism"
01 March 2014CAGE says charges against Moazzam Begg are politically motivated
26 February 2014SACC calls for the immediate release of Moazzam Begg and the three other people arrested in the West Midlands on Tuesday
26 February 2014CAGE says the arrest of Moazzam Begg is s designed to ensure that any travel to Syria is deemed suspicious
21 February 2014TCCUK is holding a protest at 10 Downing Street against the UK's insistence on keeping the LTTE on EU’s list of banned terrorist organisations
20 February 2014Baby Mohammad Sudais will be finally arriving in Glasgow this evening, 20 February, for medical treatment.
18 February 2014
Edward Snowden has been elected by Glasgow University students as their rector
14 February 2014SACC condemns the jailing of Margaretta D’Arcy over her protests at the abuse of Shannon Airport by the US armed forces. Stand with Margaretta D’Arcy!
13 February 2014Grangemouth Unite union convenor Mark Lyon has been sacked for allegedly failing to prevent the union from doing its job and exercising its collective right to freedom of expression.
27 January 2014The first ever National Voter Registration Day (NRVD) is set to take place next Wednesday the 5th February, with over 250,000 new voters aimed to be registered across the UK.
23 January 2014Scottish police are conducting extra-legal stop and searches that have been banned in England and Wales and potentially violate the European Convention on Human Rights. The Scottish Government should ensure that police stay within the law and that people in Scotland have at least the same rights and protections as people south of the border.
21 January 2014Students at Glasgow University announce that Edward Snowden has agreed to stand as a candidate in the election for Student Rector at Glasgow University.
18 January 2014Hussein Almasharqah is 14 years old in S3 at Linlithgow Academy lives In Livingston. He decided to go on hunger strike in solidarity with Syrian refugees.
16 January 2014
The KCK Executive Council says that the refusal to allow Kurds to participate as an independent force in the Geneva II talks on the future of Syria "invalidates Syria¹s democratization from the very beginning"
16 January 2014Statement by The National Coordination Body for Democratic Change in Syria (NCB), 15 January 2014
15 January 2014Scottish Police say that that 70% of the 519,213 stop and searches carried out between April and December 2013 were not carried out "under the use of legislation."
13 January 2014
A recording leaked on the 12th of January 2014 has provided the public with new information on who was behind the January 2013 murder of 3 Kurdish activists
07 January 2014OECD will be investigating allegations that G4S has supplied equipment used by Israeli security force in the Occupied Territories