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Launch of Free Khalid Campaign

J7 LAUNCH FREE KHALID KHALIQ CAMPAIGN============================================================In July 2005 Khalid Khaliq came forward to voluntarily to assist withthe 7/7 investigation. Nearly three years later, on Tuesday March 11th2008 Khaliq, 43, was sentenced to sixteen months in prison forpossession of information that is freely available from an Americanwebsite set up by the US Ministry of Justice. Khaliq stated in courtthat the disc "had been brought to his home by "others", whom he refusedto identify." Furthermore, it appears Khaliq had not even viewed thematerial on the disc. The court heard how the CD had originally beenproduced in the Iqra learning centre and it is common knowledge that CDand DVD production, along with other IT issues at the Iqra, wereundertaken not by a Muslim but instead by a jobbing former Hells Angeland "IT man", Martin Gilbertson. Full details in another new article,Justice Defiled - the conviction of Khalid Khaliq, on the J7 blog: