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Dont let Omar Deghayes die in Guantanamo

Socialist Worker Article

Hundreds of inmates in the US prison camp in Guantanamo Bay have been on hunger strike for six weeks against their indefinite detention without charge or trial.

They renewed their fast after camp authorities reneged on their promise to treat them according to the Geneva Convention.

At the beginning of this week 20 were in the camp’s hospital, held in handcuffs and leg restraints while being force fed.

Many of the hunger strikers could die if the US authorities do not meet their demands and improve their conditions.

One of those on hunger strike is British resident Omar Deghayes.

Abu Baker Deghayes, Omar’s brother, told Socialist Worker, "We would like to request the help of all those people attending this Saturday’s anti-war demonstration for our campaign.

"People should pressure their local authorities and their MPs for the sake of saving innocent people. We must relieve this oppression.

"We will be protesting outside the Labour Party conference this Sunday. People should join us. We must make our voice clear and loud for justice. Anything will help us. We must cooperate to raise this issue. This can’t go on.

"Today it is these people in Guantanamo, tomorrow it could be anyone.

"All I know is the people in Guantanamo Bay are on hunger strike. Access to them is not allowed. Even the solicitors have only limited access. Letters from Omar are censored, only greetings are allowed.

"This horrible treatment is happening openly. Nobody can stay quiet about this. We are supposed to have a democracy in the West. It is absurd that this is going on.

"The public must act, otherwise our way of life is in great danger, threatened by George Bush."

Omar’s lawyer, Clive Stafford Smith, points out, "Nine other British nationals are on hunger strike." He warns that "these people are going to die in the next few weeks and the military are trying to keep that secret."

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