"This is how we lost our people from education to fighting." A Kurdish refugee remembers life in Turkey.
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Articles from 2009
14 December 2009by Zareen Taj
14 November 2009by Zaki El-SalahiCommunity work has long been recognised as consisting of both emancipatory and oppressive practice. Its roots in Colonial pacification of 'the natives' are well recognised
11 November 2009by SACCRush transcript of phone interview with Noam Chomsky conducted before live audiences at three venues in Edinburgh and Glasgow on 10 November 2009
20 October 2009by Mohammad N AsifThe war in Afghanistan stinks: The land is still illegally occupied by the imperial powers that have got no regard for the people of Afghanistan.
20 October 2009by Richard HaleyA peace group from PKK bases in northern Iraq entered Turkey yesterday, in response to what they describe as "the current halting of the peace initiative."
20 October 2009by Mohammad N AsifThe war in Afghanistan stinks: the sooner it ends, the better
15 October 2009by Richard HaleyKhalid Al-Fawwaz has been in jail for over 11 years and Adel Abdel Bary has been in jail for 10 years. Neither have been tried for any offence, let alone convicted.
15 October 2009by Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan–Peace in KurdistanA new report by the "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan–Peace in Kurdistan" initiative says that Human Rights in Turkey have taken one step forward and two steps back
22 September 2009by Gareth Peirce
There is a pressing need to investigate in detail how it has come about that there has been a form of death in this case – the death of justice – and who should be found responsible.
09 September 2009by John WightThe continued building and expansion of settlements in the occupied West Bank of Palestine, even in the face of protestations from the international community, is further proof of Israel’s intention to expand its borders and ethnically cleanse the occupied territories
27 August 2009by Mohammad N AsifThe election in Afghanistan was marred by fraud, intimidation, violence and low turnout in many areas. Democracy is dead in Afghanistan no matter how much oxygen is pumped by the US, UK and NATO into its mouth
22 June 2009by SACCThe Crown Office have backtracked on their earlier claim to have no jurisdiction to presecute CACI, the firm accused of committing war crimes at Abu Ghraib.
30 May 2009by Lindy McDowellBelfast Telegraph columnist Lindy McDowell complains that dillydallying with paramilitaries has been official policy in Northern Ireland.
28 May 2009by SACCMore than 20,000 Tamil civilians were killed in the final throes of the Sri Lankan civil war, most as a result of government shelling, an investigation by The Times has revealed.
17 May 2009by Mick NapierFive members of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign are charged with 'racially aggravated conduct' following a protest against the Israeli siege of Gaza.
10 May 2009by SACCOn Thursday 14 May it will be two years to the days since Binayak Sen was arrested under the Chhattisgarh Public Securities Act.
07 May 2009by Mohammad N AsifBoth Hamid Karzai and Asif Zardari are standing with Barack Obama but the big question is who is standing with the victims of the American and NATO bombing?
21 April 2009by Mohammad N AsifObama's mission of "Redefinition Accomplished" is in full swing.
10 April 2009by SACCBackground to Tamil Protests in London, including a brief history of events in Sri Lanka
09 April 2009by John WightThe death of Ian Tomlinson during the G20 protests in London as he was attempting to make his way home from work, certainly demands a criminal investigation into the actions of the police,