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Message from detainee NN

NN is a young Kurd who came to the UK seeking asylum at the age of 17. On 9.10.05 he was arrested and held in a special unit in HMP Full Sutton and then released under control orders in a town he was unfamiliar with.

This is NN's life under control orders in his own words:

I am living at the bottom of the earth or I am living on top of the mountains because I am sleeping on the ground. I feel as if I am in a special prison. I cannot contact my friends. Nobody comes to visit me and I am not allowed to go out after 6pm and I can't do what I wish. If you in the world hear about freedom in this country and think it is one of the 'justice and freedom countries', I ask you - "Is it for everybody because I don’t know this justice and freedom?". I never believed I would not have freedom even inside my house. Because at any time they want to enter my house, they do. They don't care what I am doing – praying or in a shower - and they read whatever I have. I feel just like I am a dead body. I don’t know what will happen to me next day. This is just a few words of how I feel. If you look at my house and my life, you would never believe it. I have been released from a prison but I didn't know my house would be like a prison to me too. And all this time I am scared they could take me somewhere if they could. So I feel I don't know what is a life. That is what I am saying to you.