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Bin The Bomb

Bin The Bomb Demo, Gasgow 26 February 2007

Make Tea Not War, Glasgow, 24 Feb 2007
Clowns, Glasgow, 24 Feb 2007
Glasgow, 24 Feb 2007

Inflateable, life-size Trident missile - Glasgow 24 Feb 2007
Glasgow, 24 Feb 2007
Glasgow, 24 Feb 2007
Glasgow, 24 Feb 2007

At least 5000 people demonstrated in Glasgow on 24 February, demanding a halt to any replacement of Britain's nuclear weapons system, calling for occupying troops to be withdrawn from Iraq, and no attack on Iran. The demonstration was organised by Scotland's For Peace and was supported by the Stop The War Coalition

UP TO 100,000 marchers joined a demonstration in London on the same day, organised by the Stop The War Coalition, CND and the British Muslim Initiative.

Lindsey German, Convenor of Stop the War, told marchers in London: "Tony Blair says the war on Iraq is not his fault. He took us into war on lies. He is responsible for the death of 655,000 Iraqis. He wants to site the Star Wars US nuclear defence system here. He wants to spend money on Trident not on hospitals and schools.

Blair had to announce the withdrawal of 1,500 troops from Iraq this week. Our movement made him announce that. Now he wants to send 1,000 extra troops to Afghanistan. We want the troops home from there too.

We are fed up with a government that is addicted to war, that is spreading from Afghanistan to Iraq, Somalia to Lebanon. Now they want to attack Iran. If they do we will be on the streets in even greater numbers. We will demonstrate and take action until all these wars are at an end."